What do we offer?

Tucker Grooving Specialist offers specialized elevator traction sheave regrooving on all geared and gearless machines.

Traction sheaves that are not re-grooved before installing a new set of ropes will cause excessive vibration. This is due to larger diameter ropes installed on sheaves with differential groove depths and profiles. Ropes passing over sheaves with varying groove depths and profiles can never be tensioned properly. The new or replacement ropes will last only a fraction of their expected service life. The drive sheave's service life will also be significantly shorter.

We provide on-site elevator/lift sheave repair anywhere in the United States with minimal downtime.

Our work is precise, and the sheaves will look and run like new again. Satisfaction is guaranteed.

Contact us today to talk to an expert to determine if the drive sheave can be re-machined.

We look forward to hearing from you.